Tesseract Engine Documentation

DarkWynter.Stream.PhysicsGpu Namespace

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
GpuProcessor GpuProcessor handles the rendering of GpuVariables. Supports standard gpgpu "quad" technique to handle gather algorithms. Also supports what we call a "quad of points" technique to handle scatter algorithms.
GpuTerrainMap Wraps GpuVariable to be used as a TerrainMap, or HeightMap.
GpuVariable GpuVariable is basic data structure used in gpu processing. Generally, it will contain a texture in which each pixel represents a single property from an object. This system aggregates variables of like type into a single texture... eg- one texture holds all velocity variables across multiple objects. This texture is then processed using a simple shader that acts uniformly across all pixels, making for a RISC approach to gpu processing.
GpuWindMap ForceMap that simulates wind currents. Used in gpu physics.
Quat Used to store and convert Quaternion values for gpuobject
SpatialMap Wraps GpuVariable to be used as a Spatial Data Structure, or QuadMap.
Vec1 Wraps GpuVariable to be used as a Vector1, or float data type.
Vec2 Wraps GpuVariable to be used as a Vector2 data type.
Vec3 Wraps GpuVariable to be used as a Vector3 data type.
Vec4 Wraps GpuVariable to be used as a Vector4 data type.


Interface Description
GpuVariableInterface Enforces usage mechanics for a GpuVariable.


Structure Description
VertexPosition Vertex structure for GPU Physics updates