Tesseract Engine Documentation

Vec1 Members

Vec1 overview

Public Instance Constructors

Vec1 Constructor Constructor for Vec1

Public Instance Fields

gpuParamName (inherited from GpuVariable) Shader variable associated with this GpuVariable.
isDynamic (inherited from GpuVariable) Tells GpuProcessor whether it should update this GpuVariable.
minimumValue (inherited from GpuVariable) Minimum numerical value of data being added to this texture.
processorMode (inherited from GpuVariable) Tells GpuProcessor to execute this GpuVariable using either Quad or Quad of Points processing.
properties (inherited from GpuVariable) Data being added to this texture.
scaleRange (inherited from GpuVariable) Range of numerical data being added to this texture.
technique (inherited from GpuVariable) Shader technique (aka- program) to use with this variable.

Public Instance Properties

_depthBuff (inherited from GpuVariable) Needed in case the game window resolution is less than the spatial map resolution. If this is the case, the original depth buffer used with the game window also needs to be swapped when we run our update pass
_gpuPointer (inherited from GpuVariable) Gpu handle that sets either the read texture each pass after it is swapped with the write texture.
_read (inherited from GpuVariable) Texture used by Gpu to read values in. Swapped with write texture each pass.
_readRenderTarget (inherited from GpuVariable) A render target for the read texture.
_write (inherited from GpuVariable) Texture used by Gpu to write values out. Swapped with read texture each pass.
_writeRenderTarget (inherited from GpuVariable) A render target for the write texture.

Public Instance Methods

AddProperty (inherited from GpuVariable)Overloaded. Add a single property to the GpuVariable, before setting texture data.
ClearProperty (inherited from GpuVariable) Removes a value from the property list at specified index.
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
SetSubTexData (inherited from GpuVariable) Adds a property to texture while it is in use. Used by attack methods.
SetTexData (inherited from GpuVariable) Set the texture with all added properties. Scales values based on minValue and maxValue, to between 0-1.
SwapBuffers (inherited from GpuVariable) Swap the read and write textures. This is required b/c the gpu does not guarentee that we can read and write to the same texture in the same pass.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.
UnScale (inherited from GpuVariable) Unscale the data coming out of the texture to it's original scale.
WriteToFile (inherited from GpuVariable) Debug function that writes the read and write textures to files named using the outTexName value.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

Vec1 Class | DarkWynter.Stream.PhysicsGpu Namespace